The project partner have a comprehension about: Education against disrimination.
The participating organisations are already working with disadvantaged social groups. Across the european countries they share the arwareness that traditionell adult education systems do not achieve disadvantaged people. On the other hand education is an essential criteria to overcome disadvantage, to develope individual competences, to build up self-esteem and to become a self-determind member of community. "Disadvantage" is a criteria of heterogeneus social groups. Unemployees, handicaped people, schoolleavers, migrants are disadvantaged. The project wants to center those, who work with disadvantaged people like teachers, mentors, voluntaries and give them new competences for teaching disadvantaged social groups. In this way disadvantaged people get more chances to participate in adult learning.
Based on the fact, that education has a positiv impact against discrimination of disadvantaged social groups, the project will get an overview about supporting and detainig factors affect disadvantaged people in participting education and advance participation of disadvantaged people in adult learning.
The participating organisations are already working with disadvantaged social groups. Across the european countries they share the arwareness that traditionell adult education systems do not achieve disadvantaged people. On the other hand education is an essential criteria to overcome disadvantage, to develope individual competences, to build up self-esteem and to become a self-determind member of community. "Disadvantage" is a criteria of heterogeneus social groups. Unemployees, handicaped people, schoolleavers, migrants are disadvantaged. The project wants to center those, who work with disadvantaged people like teachers, mentors, voluntaries and give them new competences for teaching disadvantaged social groups. In this way disadvantaged people get more chances to participate in adult learning.
Based on the fact, that education has a positiv impact against discrimination of disadvantaged social groups, the project will get an overview about supporting and detainig factors affect disadvantaged people in participting education and advance participation of disadvantaged people in adult learning.
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