1) Through practical exercises (Experiments - Observations - Synthetic exercises)
2) Participation in the class
3) Study visits to workplaces, museums, technology parks ..
4) Teamwork – cooperation
5) Active participation


1) In order to learn things that they had not chance to learn earlier because of various reasons (for example they had to quite school at an early age)
2) To acquire not only skills and attitudes, but also learn to be perceptive to fight with arguments and the most important to gain general useful knowledge about their work future
3) To be in a common environment with other learners with similar interests
4) To expand broaden the horizons


1) When using less memorization
2) When the course based on realistic examples and activities
3) When the gained knowledge will have direct implementation
4) When they participate in the self –directed (learning)
5) When they help in the evaluation of the lessons
6) When they designing the learning process
7) When they take initiatives for the diagnosis of training needs


1) To understand that most trainers suffer from lack of time
2) To help the adult learners to develop their skills
3) To be able to share his experiences and to appreciate the students experiences
4) To meet with the needs of the other learners
5) To implement new teaching methods with active techniques
6) To have the following qualifications: Educational Studies, Studies in the Humanities, Studies in adult education, Teaching experience

The professional profile of adults should not only be based on the knowledge but also in social skills such as to  be able to find alternative solutions, to be able to develop of interpersonal relations, to be energetic, to have empathy, to inspire confidence, trust and respect). Those are the priorities for to be interested a teacher.
1. Trainer : LUCIENNE  N.

Target : Immigrants, Learning French

Teacher responses
Skills needed to teach the public in big trouble
Level of knowledge:
- You must have some knowledge of phonetics (the sounds) and morphology (the spelling). Because the parallel between voice-spelling is essential
- Have some knowledge of the target language (eg Arabic) to better explain the differences.
In terms of know-how:
- Do not hesitate to be redundant while varying activities
- Ensure that a task is understood before moving on to the next
- Conduct assessments to ensure diagnosis of the acquisition of knowledge or not
- Take a bit of manual searching for subjects close to their daily lives.
Level of knowledge to be:
- Patience and empathy are essential qualities.

Answers trainees
  (Magdalena) (Sherazade) (Ali)

How to learn ?
- By reading and repeating.
- Reflecting In
- Through visual activities. One wrote to have a visual memory (Elena).
- Writing hence their assessment of dictations.
- The visual activities were cited repeatedly
  - School is for one of them the place of knowledge. Like her, many say they do not have time to learn at home.

When learning ?

- In the silence.
- The morning or evening preference
When they are alone at home and just before coming to class because "they know I'm going to ask about the previous course. "
- Childhood is the best time to learn the answer "when you're small"

Why learn ?
- It is a necessity to work and live in France.
- They want to integrate into French society
To have some autonomy and find work easily
- For mastery of the language

2. Trainer: CHARLOTTE R .                                                                   

Target : Public immigrants Learning French

Teacher responses

Skills needed to teach the public in big trouble

It takes patience, perseverance, a good knowledge of the language and a methodology adapted to different levels of language, know how to manage the heterogeneous groups.
Listening needs to have a fun new way because they are often excluded from the school system, so do not fall into the same process

Answers trainees
(Farida) (
Luy Ann) (Mohamed)

How to learn ?
- To learn he must speak
- have regular courses (to be present at each course)
- be motivated, if one is looking for work
- we want to learn

When learning ?
- all the time
- if we practice every day is better
- daily

Why learn ?
- we are in France, we must learn the language
- for work, it's better if you speak French
- to find work

3. Trainer: H. CECILE

Target : immigrant women, Workshops of Knowledge-Social Linguistics

Teacher responses

Skills needed to teach the public in big trouble

Putting the public in situations of daily life with authentic materials in the classroom followed by a possible shift in places administrative, social and cultural rights. Activities of oral and written expression in order to communicate and interact with language appropriate to situations and people encountered.
have established clear targets, calculated on the number of sessions
have developed educational resources
• Be flexible and open to dialogue
Try to match the expectations of participants and goals

Answers trainees
(Yasmin) (Asma)

How to learn ?
- Studying regularly on different media

When learning ?
- When there is less to solve basic problems: paper, accommodation, hygiene and safety catch

Why learn ?
- Especially for tracking children,
- to work

4. Trainer: Jacques V.
Target : Youth (16-26 years device) from the school without qualifications and who face personal, social and professional intensity.
Teacher responses
Skills needed to teach the public in big trouble
First, we need an approach that is methodologically action taken literally (a path to ...) for analytical work and clarification of individual circumstances that has given us to process and answer "to the broader" specifications of the payer (institutional, public or private commissions).
Our work is organized as follows:
• Define the steps of the action.
• Clarify the problem situation.
• Define objectives.
• Establish an action plan and provide the means.
• Develop common definitions and simple to communicate efficiently.
• Define the role, objectives and expectations of each actor involved in the action.
• Mobilizing resources relevant and available.
• Boosting trainees.
• Manage and control the action.
• Meeting overall objectives of all flights.
• Assess.

For this, the qualifications are linked to the ability to observe, adapt to each situation and typological characteristics of the group, in-depth knowledge of regulatory and social legislation and devices.
It is about being familiar with the global sphere and the world of training (in terms of actors, network, partners, coordination in relation to policies set forward by the Institutional), and especially Interface that must hearth trainer (with the field of professional and economic environment, etc.)..
Our job requires great adaptability, a lot of availability and ability to perform the existence of "sufficient consensus" on the analysis produced to meet the demands and requirements of all stakeholders and above all trainees who are center of the process.
It must be relevant, multi-disciplinary, operational, ie capable of generating positive situations resulted in readily observable results (especially in terms of employability), realistic and specific with targets, deadlines and resources necessary to achieve them, organized and trained in the social and professional integration and possess a high level of communication. It must have sufficient capacity to clarify ambiguities and "guidance" of each student to prepare to effectively confront the challenges that present themselves to him.

Answers trainees
(Marc Anthony) (John) (Khaled)

How to learn ?
The appointment of a probationer in his training he is always taking a risk, a kind of tipping into the unknown in which the act of teaching is experienced as an aggression.
The idea that emerges from the responses we obtained broadly follows an approach of denial of the school system as it is practiced. This is a denial in which the student does not recognize the concept of underachievement. Simply, the lessons that were provided following the ordinary method pyramid (the teacher is a kind of magnus magister holds a manner that it sends didactic chronological and comprehensive for the whole class, following a transfer technique) does not match the individual needs of learners. In this respect, the school is seen as impersonal and inadequate project each. The student has the school had a passive role. No alternative being offered him, he saw the school as a constraint. The latter seemed steeped in theoretical knowledge whose meaning and coherence does not appear to him clearly as he feels misunderstood and develops a permanent source of dissatisfaction and ennui behavioral disorders.
On the contrary, the expectation linked to how to learn, must be built around the character fun, varied and individualized learning. This idea of fun is essential. Every student likes to learn if indeed taught him at a time, he needs to realize his project and what he likes (the two aspects are closely intertwined). It appears from the responses received, a strong claim on the part of all, to be agents of their own education, to define the contours and content according to each individual project. Thus, learners do they want the lessons related to learning by the implementation process (and a process is lengthy in nature) articulated around the notions of explanation by example, pragmatic and concrete sighting First, vocational training, an approach in which the teacher is a tool they can use with confidence and without hierarchical relationship.
Unwittingly (perhaps), trainees we interviewed refer to principles under the Transactional Analysis, in particular with regard to the horizontal relationship may be between the teacher and the recipient.
In addition, the relationship between the social reality of each situation and its implication in the field of economics is to cross all the answers. The project is primarily a personal career plan and source of income generating assets.
In this regard, immersion in business and acquisitions resulting therefrom, are a strong demand.

When learning ?
You have to learn when the need arises.
Everyone is aware of his own lack of clarity in his personal circumstances and to do so even more important as it is complex and subject to different pressures (family, social, economic, behavioral, addiction, housing, skills and know-how, etc..). All choices are never curly, and nothing is ever final. The evolution and adaptation of each person to change his life course, suffer from a lack of clear benchmarks and targets precision necessary to achieve the goal.
Therefore, we must learn when it is necessary to meet a need, to anticipate or cope with change, to analyze a question articulated around:
• From fatalism. "That's how I do what I am told and I have no way to change my situation."
• From "At what point am I? .
• From "I do not know what I should do" and "I do not know how."
• From "What are the questions I must ask myself? .
• From the "What are my choices? "And" Who can help me? .
• From "What is my recourse and / or emergency? .
The responses show that the time-related learning is often linked to a practical and immediate goal. Learning is rarely included as part of a structured and programmed projection on the long term. We must learn to adjust continuously to the pressing need that exists and positively influence the triggering event (ie, there is a deadline in advance-this is uncommon-or it s 'acts in front of an obligation to abrupt and imperious).
Learning is always related to an interest and it's perfect balance in time between the need and the consequent choice and timing of implementation and the estimated date of conclusion of the response to this choice (implicit or explicit, equipped or intuitive). You have to learn when training is a controlling factor and that the achievements and progress predictable appear more important than the elements that we must renounce. Learning is to choose, respond, and "normalize" the approach of a present or future situation.
Why learn ?
The general answer is that every student engages in training, not utilization and assiduously pursues the effort that involves the ongoing acquisition of knowledge, unless he sees clearly enough that the interest last (training) it brings.
We must learn to grow and gain confidence in themselves. We must learn to limit misunderstandings and misunderstandings about its environment. It is necessary to facilitate adjustment to the professional sector in order to build a stable, secure and immediate conducive to the emergence of projects further afield.
The first is to identify players who can help solve different types of problems encountered at a given time and gain through this approach, a strong ability to meet the difficulties that arise.
Learning is never complete nor exhaustive, nor "good in itself." Learning is only useful against a ruling based on a defined criterion. In this sense, it is necessary to achieve clear and tangible results, while learning can lead to an idea of response.

5. Teacher: BRUNO B.

Target : Inmates

Teacher responses
Skills needed to teach the public in big trouble
- Listen
- Availability
- Know how teaching
- Mastery of the discipline taught
- Motivation to the public

Answers trainees
(Jacques) (Pedro)

How to learn ?
- With appropriate equipment: computer, books, games ....
- In a playful atmosphere
- By varying themes and exercises
- By being attentive

When learning ?
- By being psychologically ready and available
- by managing its availability
- Sometimes at night

Why learn ?
- To occupy time usefully
- To acquire new skills
- To build a future project
- To open field of possibilities


How, When, Why to learn ?

rather truth
rather untruth
How do I like to learn?

I like to learn when everything is explained

I like to learn when I don’t have to learn additionally at home
I like to learn those issues which I invent for myself
I like to learn in my way, alone

I like to learn those issues which I understand

I like to learn practical issues

I like to learn those issues which are interested for me

I like to learn by heart
When do I like to learn?

When I see the sense and usefulness of what I learn

When I know that soon it will be useful for me

When I learn in the group with other people
When I have good conditions for studying

When I receive good marks and I am appreciated

When I know that nobody will check me

When I do this only for myself
When the award for that is waiting for me

Why do I learn?

I hope to obtain profession and job

To get out of home
To get award for that (good mark)

To be better at what I’m doing now

To know and understand different things

So anyone hold a grudge against me
To finish school and go to work

For my own pleasure

What kind of competences do you need to teach disadvantaged students

Competences necessary for teachers/tutors while working with people threatened by social exclusion (the most important from 1 to 8)

Psychological and pedagogical competences that allow teacher/tutor to make different diagnostic and educational actions in relation with students
Communicational competences where essential are skills of making and receiving announcements
Diagnostic competences connected with getting to know students and their environment
Competences in field of planning didactic and educational activities.
Substantial competences which are connected with good mastering and understanding of material (which is a content of teaching) by teacher/tutor
Didactic and methodological competences (knowledge about methods and principles of realization of education process)
Auto educational competences connected with vocational development and self-betterment
Competences connected with control and evaluation of students’ achievement

1.            Key competences for working with people threatened by social exclusion
·        Openness and ability for contact with youth, empathy
·        Discipline, consistency in conduct (behavior)
·        Respect for human dignity, subjectivity 
·        Creativity, sense of humor, identification with idea of combating social exclusion
·        Fairness and objectivity in assessing of students

2.            Which competences should have competent teacher working with people threatened by social exclusion
·        Ability of diagnosing, reacting and supporting in difficult and critic situations
·        Coping with stress
·        Negotiation, mediation and communication skills
·        Planning of individual and group work
·        Identification the needs of people threatened by social exclusion
·        Ability of preparing individual supporting programmes for people threatened by social exclusion


Men: 1   Women: 9
How many: 10 pupils
Ages: 48-57-(2)-65(2)-66-75-77-78-85
Level: 3FDA.

1)        Why did you register in EPA?
·        To remember what I had forgotten and learn what I was not able to learn when I was a child.
·        To practice reading, because I have lost the habit.
·        Because I quit working, I finished my studies and, later on, I kept coming to school.
·        To not forget all I knew and for learning new things.
·        To practice brain gymnastics.
·        Because the enterprise where I used to work went bankrupt.
·        I registered because I am open-minded and I love learning everyday. Moreover, I like learning new things from partners and teachers.
·        I came here because I have always wished to study and my job did not let me to do it.. Three years ago, they asked me to register and I accepted, very excited, Old people have problems learning new concepts, but I am so happy with my partners and my teachers,
·        To learn more things, because I forget languages and maths. Besides, I am in the first level and it takes a lot of hard work for me; I had not taken a book since I was 18, and now I am 65.
·        I registered in EPA because I had not the chance to study when I was younger. Then, working was the most important, And It is going to be difficult because I have memory issues.

2)        How did you discover this school? Who told you?
·        For some friends who went there and were very happy.
·        For my daughter, who was registered too.
·        Some neighbours said it to me. Later on, so did my sister,
·        Teachers of this school gave me information,
·        A class partner told me they did a nice work.
·        A class partner told me this and I am so grateful.
·        For some documents they gave time some time ago.
·        Some friends gave me more information.

3)        Why did you come back every day? / What is your motivation?
·        I want to improve in maths and use the computer in a basic level.
·        I do a lot of things and I love being with other people.
·        Learn more things.
·        I like it and I find it very interesting.
·        Because I see I am learning new things every day and I am motivated because of my partners and my teachers. They are so good.
·        To be active and learn new things.
·        Because I feel so good when I go to school.
·        Because I love it and I have a very good time.
·        I have always loved to study.
4)        For you, which is the best moment in life to learn?
·        Any moment in life is good for learning.
·        It is better when you are young, but any age is good to learn.
·        ALWAYS.
·        We need to learn. For instance, I am 85 and I learn new things everyday,
·        We always have to learn, it should be compulsory.
·        We must learn since we are younger,
·        We never must stop learning.

1)           HOW LEARNING?
2)            WHEN LEARNING?
3)            WHY LEARNING

Teacher 1

1) Regarding to the academic studies, I do it at home, at the library, usually in the morning. But I make the most the rest of the day and at the weekends.

2) Continuously. Life is a constant learning.

3) Because it is inherent in humanity. We all need to learn new things everyday, since that is what makes us different from the other living beings.

Teacher  2

1) In our society we relate learning with educative institutions. Even though schools and universities make the learning process easier and more organized, we also must take into account that most of learning is acquired by means of experience.
Teachers like me, who have the pleasure to work with an adult collective, we value in a different way any teaching experience. Not only pupils learn from the teacher but also teachers learn a lot from pupil's experience. 
Speaking, listening, watching, touching, communicating... I am always learning.

2) Any moment of the day is good for learning. But, in an academic sense, I prefer nights, with silence. I like studying in libraries; for me, the interest of students is a motivation to learn.
On the other hand, during seminars and teachers courses, I have acquired practical knowledge from other colleagues who work with adults. In this way, I have obtained a solid foundation for my job as a teacher.

3) Our society evolves continuously, so we must study to keep ourselves up to date professionally. It is essential to be familiar with new educational theories, methods or resources. To achieve it, we have to study every day.

Teacher 3

1) I need a general preview of all the information to complete my learning. After that, I memorize the main information and I am able to link the concepts.

2) I usually learn in the night, in a quiet environment. By day, I have an overview of all data, but I need silence to assimilate new information. Besides, I watch any situation which provides unknown information, even if it is considered irrelevant. First I get the information and, after that, I classify it following my own criteria.

3) In a word, curiosity. I need to increase my knowledge constantly, even it is not necessary for my work.

Teacher 4

1) I prefer a quiet and tidy environment, because in this way I can be more concentrated. And I also choose a couple of hours in my schedule when I know I am not going to be disturbed.

2) I learn in every situation of my life. Everyday has plenty of situations to learn and there is just a secret, to be open-minded.

3) I study for my own interest. I am also very curious in other people’s behavior.

Teacher 5

1) We acquire knowledge by means of memory and experience. It is demonstrated that knowledge acquired in this second way last more and is more easily assimilated by the individual. That is why I prefer learning in a practical way.

2) Despite a wide group of people think there is a moment in life to study (childhood and adolescence), another one for working (adult age), and another one for living (retirement), we all can say we are learning during our entire life because, regardless of the age we are passing through, we are always teaching and learning at the same time. Now I want to quote Paolo Freire: “the one who teaches also learn, and the one who learn also teach.

3) We are learning during all our life. But teachers must be up to date their knowledge, both practical and theoretical. Because we belong to the 20th century and our pupils belong to 21st century. We have to change our methodology and teaching techniques in order to adapt them to our pupils.
Our teaching motivation must focus on satisfy the learning wishes of our pupils, considering we should make they could achieve the goals we have intended.

Teacher 6

1) I learn with any available resources: books, Internet, handbooks, etc. And I also learn day by day, with my colleagues. It is possible to learn from any moment or situation in our life. Obviously, if this all is immersed in a learning formal process, the method we use will assist us to consolidate very much better any new knowledge.

2) We find the best moment when we are a “blank slate”, in short, when we are young and we have not got yet into a bad habit. But, if we are determined to learn, we may do it in any moment of our life. The thing is, in these stages, we also need to be determined to “unlearn” to be able to learn.

3) Because we all should grow up and evolve to get an improvement. To achieve it, and considering we are teaching professionals, it is vital to do a constant learning, a continuing education. And this always must be done dealing comprehensively with every necessary aspect, both personal and professional. Besides, this learning should be, at the same time, formal and informal. It must cover not only formal educational contexts, as a school for adult people, but also non-formal situations; for instance, congresses, cultural meetings, exchange programs and even trips or theatre performances.


Questionnaire Teacher

What kind of competences do you need to teach disadvantaged people?
1.    Teachers Target Group:      Migrants
-          Empathy
-          Backgroundknowledge about target group
-          Idealism
-          Commitmnet
-          Time to prepare the lessons  -  existing teaching materialis are not useable
-          Socialwork
-          Group dynamic – how to manage the group
At first the group and second the lesson!
-           Flexibility
-          Teaching with example from allday life

2.    Teachers target group:       Prisoners
-          Active listening
-          Commitment
-          Empathy
-          Understanding of a) the person  and b) the situation
-          Positive attitude
-          Humor
-          To show respect
-          Experience learning – not only transfer of knowledge
-          Strategies to motivate the students

3.    Target Group:    Longtime unemployed
-          Endurance
-          Constantly recapitulation
-          Individualised teaching
-          Empathy
-          Knowledge about group dynamic
-          Managing the group dynamic
-          Different Informations about target group
-           Information about special learning ability and special needs of the pupils
-          Information about cultural background of pupils
-          Motivationstrategies
-          Improvisaton
-          Knowledge of human nature
-          Sensibility

4.    Target Group: Longtime unemployed
-          Endurance
-          Constantly recapitulation
-          Calmness
-          Motivate the students
-          A lot of examples from allday life
-          Knowledge about practical examples
-          Humor
-          Less technical terms
-          Teaching in small groups
-          Create confidence
-          Create relationship
-          Background about special needs of the target group
-          Create own and fexible curicuula

5.    Target Group: Longtime unemployed
-          Endurance
-          Tolerance
-          Examples from allday life
-          Flexibility
-          Knowledge about group dynamic
-          Individual learning targets
-          Empathy
-          Creativity
-          Abilty to work under pressure
-          Best conditions in the organisation:
Enough staff
Beeing free to arrange the lesson
-          Communication skills
Questionnaire Students
Inquiry for examination of learning experiences of disadvantaged people

Subject: lifelong learning

F1: How do you learn? What do you need for learning?
F2: When do you learn? What daytime and rhythm is best for learning?
F3: What do you learn for? If you look back in your life, what motivated you to learn?
Silence, support of other people, patience for questions, someone who explains as long as you need, someone who does not give up
In the morning, although getting up is difficult (9:00 am), breaks are important, every 30 minutes
Avoid unemployment
When things are demonstrated practically
In the night, without breaks, doing the whole stuff in one thing
Financial reasons, family
Nice setting, interesting subjects and questions
In the morning, when getting up late 14:00 pm
Nice working climate, occupations that make sense and that make me feel good and that are fun
I do not learn, do not want to learn
The bible says you have to work and learn from the morning to the evening
I do not feel like learning
10:00 am, short breaks for drinking and smoking
Impart the new subject to other people, the subject has to be interesting
Good information
Late in the evening, not in the morning, no breaks
Never stop learning
Nothing special, setting has to be special for handicapped people
In the afternoon and evening, I am a night-active person
I am always interested, like learning about people and countries, broaden my mind
No noise and turning off
Late, not in the morning
Doing something new with your life, having more chances
Practical exercises, silence
It is different, better in the morning, 3-4 hours after getting up, different breaks
Being alone, having music in the background
Whenever, flexible
Getting new experiences, learning new ways of thinking